Our Interventions Are Effective
Sex addiction can disrupt a person’s life and is marked by chronic thoughts of sex, disturbing behaviors like lying, hiding, and secrecy to engage in sex. Having sex with multiple partners and then feeling guilt, shame, and remorse. Sex addiction is a compulsion and it hijacks the addict’s thoughts and behaviors, causing an inability to stop much like a substance use disorder. It is important to know that the addict is suffering from a diseased mind and is not able to think rationally when they are in active addiction.
Sex addiction destroys families, causes job loss, loss of homes, loss of relationships, and loss of self-worth.
My Interventionist can help. Recovery is possible.
We work with many treatment centers that focus on sex addiction and treat the behaviors to restore the beloved back to rational thinking. Our program is a minimum of one year to provide an opportunity for a solid foundation. We treat the whole recovery team, not just the addict. Weekly check ins give us an opportunity to meet with each other and hear about our successes and challenges.
Participation in 12 step peer recovery support groups is most effective and therefore attendance is encouraged.