Mental Health Needs To Be Taken Seriously
Mental Wellness is paramount to healthy living, yet statistics show staggering numbers of people continue to suffer with untreated mental illness.
There are many different mental health diagnoses that are included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the DSM-5.
The first step to treating a mental health issue is being evaluated by a clinician. Sometimes this evaluation can be done outpatient and sometimes a more thorough assessment done over several weeks in an inpatient setting is more accurate and will lead to proper diagnosis. Diagnosis often changes over time and therefore so do treatments.
My Interventionist aims to pair services with families to promote mental wellness. Many families are unaware of the vast number of services available to treat mental illness, as there is still a lot of stigma and shame associated with mental health diagnosis.
In recent years, the media has been promoting mental wellness and we believe that this has opened up some forms of positive communication and healing. It is important to know that there are both inpatient and outpatient mental health treatment services in hospital and residential settings that are used to treat mental health crises.
Much like treating behavioral health, mental health is complex and requires both family and professional support for best treatment outcomes. My Interventionist will meet with your family to develop the best intervention plan to address the mental health of your loved one. We work with families both before and after the beloved is in a psychiatric care facility. We believe that treating a mental health condition should be done for a minimum of one year with a continuing care plan to last a lifetime.
My Interventionist will follow all clinical recommendations when developing a recovery plan. A relapse plan will also be developed, so that we have an easy-to-follow set of instructions to follow should a crisis arise. My Interventionist works with your beloved one’s care team to ensure compliance with therapy, medications, and peer support. Our services include weekly family support sessions for a minimum of one year to keep the family aligned on the recovery path.